Looking back over the past year, many things happened that were unexpected. In fact, overall, I probably didn’t accomplish nearly as much as I wanted, not for lack of discipline, but so many interruptions occurred which stopped me in my tracks. If we really think about it, life is constantly interrupted. We may plan many things, but something will always come up unexpectedly and sometimes we have to change our plans. Interruptions can create a great deal of stress and we feel ill equipped to deal with it. This year I was interrupted by two accidents that completely shocked me and took me a long time to recover from. I was also shocked by world events and the Japan tsunami disaster. After this and noting the depressed economic condition of the US and also European countries, I started to wonder if these are indeed the last days. It felt like a year marked with noticeable change.
But I was also surprised by some really positive interruptions in my life. We enjoyed a long and beautiful hot summer, and a gorgeous fall right up until late November. Now we are enjoying a mild December. In the summer I was pleased that everything came together and we were able to go camping again. I was also able to complete a couple of books. I never thought I’d be writing three blogs, and I was pleased to finally get my passport, so now I can leave the country! I made new friends and was able to visit with old friends over the holidays.
We may think that many interruptions in our life are a result of coincidence or even good or bad luck! But I believe that many of life's interruptions are divine -- God is trying to get our attention. For example, if we think about Christmas, the birth of Jesus interrupted the little village of Bethlehem and created quite a stir. His birth got the attention of both kings and noblemen. Throughout His earthly ministry, He interrupted men's lives constantly. People couldn’t figure out what made Him so different, and they couldn’t understand how He could perform so many miracles. When He called the disciples to follow Him, their lives were turned around and they were never the same again. This is how He affects people, even today! His interruptions are life-changing and world-changing when we follow Him and obey Him!!
This brings me to the New Year coming up. Are we making plans for 2012? We won’t even talk about the world ending, not yet anyway. What about making plans? If we are rigid and unbending, then we will be disappointed and frustrated each time our plans are interrupted. We will not live a happy life until we learn to roll with the changes, and become easily adaptable to change. How do we do this? First of all, we need to face the fact that life will always throw us surprises -- do not plan for a life without leaving room for many adjustments along the way! Hold fast to Jesus and His unchanging Word. Recognize that many miraculous things happen in the supernatural -- tap into this amazing other reality through prayer and reading God's Word. The purifying and healing power of God's Word and His enduring presence to all who believe will change us and sustain us throughout all the shifting circumstances of life.
This Christmas week, I have been enjoying the quiet peacefulness of life in the country. Nevertheless I struggled with breaking a tradition of watching spectacular fireworks in the city center to celebrate the New Year. I had thought of even taking a trip into the city just to see them. But as I was sitting here writing this, I heard the familiar “pop” “pop” sound outside, ran and got my jacket, raced down the back lane, and watched a wonderful display that some neighbours had provided! Isn’t God good? I think He just wanted to remind me that He never forgets about us. We can rest assured as we enter a new year that He will continue to be faithful to us and we never have to be afraid of interruptions, especially the ones He initiates.
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