
Saturday, 27 November 2021

Tribute to an Artist Friend

This past week I was shocked and dismayed to discover an artist friend of mine, Bev, had passed away a few days before.  I knew she had been in a fight of her life for a few years, but she had been strong.  I had no idea she would pass away so suddenly.  I felt it important to share some thoughts about her life because she really had an impact on me.  In fact, what Bev did was fill a void. 

Several years ago, I was part of an artist group that brought about an artist tour, and we called it The Wave (Artists Studio Tour).  We were artists living in the Interlake area by Lake Winnipeg.  We opened up our homes or cottages and made them into art galleries.  I made part of our house into a gallery, and called it Creative Focus Gallery.  In the first year of The Wave, Bev came to my gallery.  She looked around at my art work, and introduced herself.  Then she told me that she had a gallery in the city, and asked me if I’d like to be one of her artists?  Well, of course I said yes! Who wouldn’t? 

And so, she gave me (and many other relatively unknown artists) exposure to a much larger audience in the city, and in a part of the city close to downtown, in the historical French district, St. Boniface.  My work has been displayed there and sold there for nearly twenty years, and it never cost me a dime.  Bev simply took some commission to help pay a few bills.  This week I went to the gallery and picked up what was left of my artworks.  I can’t tell you the flood of memories I had, and the deep sadness that filled my heart that day.

I thought about the one show I had there, and the artist receptions she had for each artist lucky enough to have a show (and for the duration of 3 weeks I believe).  I was invited to bring in my work whenever I wanted and as often as I wished.  Bev herself was a fabric artist.  I just looked at how she pieced together a coherent and interesting unique piece, and marveled at her talent.

But Bev did much more than give us struggling artists a place to show and sell our work, she provided a place of community and a social life.  We were welcome to come and visit her anytime.  Me and my husband considered her and her husband Robert very good friends.  She had get-togethers called Creative Coffeebreak.  Artists would come and discuss art.  Sometimes it would get pretty philosophical, but always inspirational and thought-provoking.  She always had something to eat and coffee or tea available.  One time, I met one of Bev’s co-workers from her day job, and we’ve been very good friends ever since. 

Overall, my life was touched by Bev in so many ways, I will never forget her.  I know she made a difference in so many lives, especially artists.  I was at her gallery many times, and customers would come in and stay awhile.  There was such a friendly atmosphere, no one wanted to leave.  She served many patrons through the years, and also, gave artists a tremendous opportunity to spread their wings.  I feel inspired by her life, her willingness and generosity to bring so many of us on board with her adventure of running an art gallery, and the courage to explore art itself.  I will keep her memory alive, and celebrate her life by continuing my own wonderful journey of art exploration.  I am both honored to have known Bev, and feel challenged by her life. 

Bev filled a void in the local art world, at least she certainly did that for me.  Yet, I think of another void that I have felt too often, and that is a void within my own heart.  Too often I have tried to fill it with something temporary, and it just won’t last.  For me, art alone isn’t the answer to fulfill this deep empty well found within each of us.  Wells need to be filled, and I’m ever so thankful that when I was only nineteen, that void was filled with the person of Jesus Christ, who became my Lord and Savior.  All I had to do was receive His free gift of life, love and most importantly, His uncondemning hand of forgiveness. A truer friend I’ve never known who loves someone like me who least deserves it.

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

I can’t help but think there are many people right now who feel that void, and they’re looking for meaning and purpose in their life.  Art has provided that for me in so many ways, as I’m sure it did for Bev.  For you, it might be cooking, sports, movies or something else.  All these things we enjoy are wonderful, for the moment.  But true and lasting fulfillment can only come from God who loves us and has a plan for each of our lives.

I hope, that like my dear friend Bev, we have the courage to not only explore our interests, but fill a void in people’s lives if we can.  More importantly, I hope we’ll turn to the only One who fills our void and fills our cup like no one or nothing on earth is able to do.

Monday, 15 November 2021

No Need to Know Evil

Can we know too much about evil to the point we are no longer doing God, ourselves, and anyone else any good? During the pandemic it was easy to read about all kinds of conspiracy theories, although some have proven to be true. But there were some pretty extreme messages and emails I received with links online to the deep state, and the anti-Christ spirit behind all the lockdowns and Covid itself.

 Reading such dark material affected my mental health and well-being. I had to stop reading most of this stuff. That is all a part of a past that is dead and buried. I am a child of God and no longer walk in darkness. Some believers didn’t like or agree with the stand I took telling me that I should know what’s going on so I know how to pray. And yet, I don’t need to know any of that to know how to pray. God will give me the nudge to pray and the knowledge to know who and what to pray for!

Rom 8:26  Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Rom 8:27  And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

 And so, I thought I would check Scripture about how we should approach evil world news and evil inspired events, and God brought these verses to mind:

 Rom 16:19  For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.

 I love the use of “wise” and “simple” here. Focus on God’s ways, not evil ways. For a better context, here are verses surrounding verse 19:

 Rom 16:17  Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

Rom 16:18  For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

Rom 16:19  For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.

Rom 16:20  And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

God will tell us what we need to know. Some might think this is ignorance and naivety, but it isn’t. It is simply bringing ALL glory to God and not looking for something satanic when clearly God is in control.

 1Pe 3:10  For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:

1Pe 3:11  Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.

1Pe 3:12  For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

1Pe 3:13  And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?

1Pe 3:14  But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;

1Pe 3:15  But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

I Peter 3:11 says to avoid evil and do good. Verse 13 says to be followers of that which is good! And verse 15 speaks of a ready heart filled with hope offered to people in dire need of our Savior. So where does this leave us as far as knowing what is going on in the world? I’m going to answer this with a story.

 When I was a clued-out teenager, I mean clued out to the ways of evil, I listened to a similar lie of the devil. The subtle lie was this: How can you reach the lost if you don’t know anything about their religion or how they believe? Ever hear that one before? Something told me not to, but I was handed a book steeped in the occult and it was based on Eastern religions. There was some truth to it, but it was twisted (earthly, sensual, devilish), and far away from the clean, unyielding and pure truth of God’s Word as He reveals Himself. I was drawn to its philosophies, took it to heart, and by doing so, I unwittingly opened myself up to Satan and his demonic messengers. Within a few months of being steeped in eastern religions (and recreational drugs), I became nervous and undone.  I had also previously delved into cult practices and read other books that delved into demon possession.  The result? I had a nervous breakdown that kept me weak, unable to work, and locked in a dark prison in my mind for months and months. Did I learn something about dabbling in dark areas I shouldn’t be? I sure did. And it was not an instantaneous delivery or recovery for me either. It happened, but it took years.

And it’s not just avoiding reading books on the occult, I think we have to be very careful what we read and listen to nowadays because everyone knows that woke, saying all the right things at the right time regardless of the truth, and misinformation, are the rule of the day. The news conglomerates seem to be promoting their own agenda.  In many ways, the news of the world seem to work against the truth of God’s Word, a Word that is meant to lead us to love, life and life eternal through Jesus Christ our dear Lord.

Actually, the Bible is GOOD NEWS cover to cover. This is what we are to be promoting! Everything to do with God is GOOD NEWS! Why aren’t we talking about Him more than the evil junk going on all around us? Yes, there’s a battle going on, but here’s a news flash! As followers and believers in Jesus Christ - WE WIN!

 Remember the story of the man that had a legion of demons, and Jesus delivered him, and the demons entered the swine? What did Jesus tell the man who was now in his right mind?

 Luke 8:39  Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him.

What is he publishing? The fact that he was possessed? Only to the extent that he was DELIVERED! He published the great things Jesus had done for Him. Don’t you agree that we should be doing the same?


Saturday, 13 November 2021

The Pandemic & Divisiveness

Something that has been highlighted for me from the very beginning of this pandemic and that is the fear surrounding it.   The language of the pandemic highlights fear-words like stay safe, masks for protection, infection, numbers, daily case counts, distancing, and so on inspire fear. Inevitable loneliness has been the result among many other devastating effects because we see each other as a threat.  Mistrust comes into play as well. People repeat what they’ve been hearing and it is a whole new “fear” language. No wonder so many get vaccinated for fear of being unsafe i.e., getting sick from being around others and maybe dying.  And many of those who don’t get vaccinated do not trust the vaccine since little is known or recorded about adverse and long term, even deadly, side effects. 

 It seems as if there is a great divide between those who are vaccinated and those who are not.  I wonder what happened to “We’re in this together.”  Front line heroes who were the medical staff in hospitals and nursing homes have been asked not to return to work if they refuse to get the vaccine.  Yet, in reality, many people who chose not to get the vaccine are as healthy as can be, and have followed all the protocols that kept them infection-free for nearly two years.  What changed?

Suspicion and real hesitancy abound to the safety of the vaccine, not only for health workers who have lost their jobs, but for others who have seen and know of dangerous side effects to the vaccine.  To be fair, there are arguments on both sides.  This week’s local newspaper has a letter to the editor with a scathing rebuke to the unvaccinated for causing a shortage of beds in the hospitals, and therefore people who are sick with other issues are sent elsewhere. He failed to realize that the “anti-vax” protesting in front of the hospitals are (to the best of my knowledge) the medical staff more aware of not only the dangers of the vaccine, but are protesting it being forced on people when they have a right to not get it, just like if they don’t want to get the flu vaccine. It is proper medical protocol to give patients the right to refuse treatment especially if they are not sick!

 Who is right? Who is wrong?  It doesn’t matter.  What matters is the division it has caused.

 In our province we are constantly told in no uncertain terms that it is the south in our province that has low vaccination rates (they only make up 26% or so of our entire population). This is the Bible Belt. Every day in the news they are highlighted as the bad people for being responsible for taking up hospital beds, as if they don’t have a right to medical care.  Out of curiosity, I thought I’d check online today and see where the cases are. On the map it showed that they are far up north where (I believe) the majority of people are vaccinated, not in the south as the news states. So, what gives?

 And so, the blame game continues. Even though months ago the top doctors said they would only need 50% to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity, they kept pushing it. Then it was 60, then 70, then 80 and so on. I believe it is around 80% right now. But they say that isn’t enough because of the variants. They push for more. The government wants every single person to be vaccinated no matter what, even children. They don’t even know the long-term effects of the vaccine. Do they really know what they’re doing? And do you see a projection of fear in all these decisions? Where is God in all of this? Or is science and this so-called efficiency of the vaccine the god? Actually, I read that fully vaccinated people in the test country, Israel, at one time have been responsible for half of the Covid cases.  I read that two shots wane over a short period of time, and a third, and a fourth will be necessary, or even a lifetime.  No one knows.  Let’s pray not.

I know and have heard valid opinions on both sides, interestingly from medical and other professionals, but let’s look at the real issues that matter most— how we are treating each other. If we don’t respond to the human tragedy in all of this, then what have we become? Mud slinging is not going to bring us to the end of the pandemic. Only love for one another will bring healing and restoration no matter what course the Covid takes. We need to do the first and second commandment:

 Mar 12:29  Jesus answered, "The most important is, 'Listen, Israel, the Lord our God is the only Lord.

Mar 12:30  So love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.'

Mar 12:31  The second most important commandment is this: 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these." God’s Word

Let’s drop the fear language, and talk God’s language of love.  What kind of love should we have for one another? One that accepts others and forgives all wrongs. One that costs something. Jesus said to all His followers:  Don’t just love your friends, love your enemies. The Father is glorified when we go out of our way to love others. He is especially glorified when we love those hard to love and those we don’t agree with, and yes, especially our enemies!

The Covid and the way it’s been handled has destroyed relationships and this affects God being glorified. Why is this so? I believe it is through us, and through fluid relationships where God can work in and through us. God can’t be glorified when we are not getting along; that is the devil’s territory and God won’t compete with or condone evil.

 Two verses in the Bible say it perfectly:

 Rom 12:9  Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

Rom 12:10  Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

God’s Word version says it this way:

 Rom 12:9  Love sincerely. Hate evil. Hold on to what is good.

Rom 12:10  Be devoted to each other like a loving family. Excel in showing respect for each other.

I believe this is the greatest and most important test right now. As the pandemic winds down, will we come through it more loving and forgiving with stronger relationships? That will depend on how we treat one another when we have opposing views. I pray we will examine our own hearts and make sure there are no prejudices, unforgiveness fear and/or anger towards others. May God help us all humble ourselves and always be willing to honor God and each other, and do and say the right things.


Saturday, 6 November 2021

Climate Change or Change of Heart?

I’m sitting here outside with just a sweater and light clothes, and enjoying the sun in the early November sky...did I just say November? Yes, and it's 13 Celsius, pretty balmy for this time of year in our north part of the province of Manitoba, known for early cold winter weather.  And what is so strange is that there's not only no snow, but there hasn't been hardly any rain for many months now.  Some rejoice in this warm weather, but I am less enthusiastic. This is not necessarily good news for our future food supply.

 Without rain or snow many things in life that we take for granted are affected.  Think about it: we need water to survive.  We need it to grow every kind of food imaginable.  We need water to drink, to bathe, clean our clothes and dishes, our appliances and bathtub, wash our floors and walls, wipe spills, etc.  We need water to flush the toilet.  Water is indeed a precious commodity.  And here in the prairies, we are without rain.  We’ve seen out-of-control forest fires destroy swathes of acres in British Columbia and elsewhere.  We personally know of two houses that burned to the ground because of a lack of readily available water, even though one was right next to a creek!

 Today I was reading the local paper and saw the gravity of our situation. Manitoba is home to well over 100,000 lakes.  Yet, living right beside one of the largest freshwater lakes in the WORLD, the water table is so low, you not only have to walk out several yards to get to the water, commercial fishermen cannot get their boats out of the mud to launch their boats.

 More than a warning regarding our water shortage, I believe wholeheartedly this is a warning to get our lives right with God.  Throughout Scripture the metaphor of fruitfulness appears.  You cannot bear fruit without a constant supply of water.  No seed can grow without it either.  Spiritually, we can find ourselves in a dry wilderness, without the living water of the Holy Spirit keeping us vibrant and alive to the things of God.    I recently read Isaiah 43.  In it, God promises water and fruitfulness, what goes with being in right relationship with Him. When we fall out of step, barrenness and dryness are inevitable.

 Isaiah 43:19  Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

 Clearly God is in control of the waters:

 Isaiah 50:2  Wherefore, when I came, was there no man? when I called, was there none to answer? Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? or have I no power to deliver? behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stinketh, because there is no water, and dieth for thirst.

 This brings me to our current state of our land.  We desperately need water.  What can we do about it? We can try to preserve it by using less, perhaps use paper plates that can be thrown away after each meal, buy appliances and a toilet that use less water, stop running the taps so long to get hot water, etc. There are numerous things we can do to become more responsible with this precious resource.  But there is a better way, one that is life-changing and one that works.  Here it is, found in God's Word:

2 Chronicles 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

 I believe the pandemic has been a golden opportunity to get our hearts right with God and put our spiritual affairs in order.  This has been a time to spend more time with God and discover his will in this re-set. For me, my life is being turned inside-out and upside-down.  It is all changed from the direction I was heading before the lockdowns.  I noticed though, that some people seemed to ignore the opportunities, and just wanted to get their life back.  And so, I asked God, during the early part of 2020, what would happen if people fail to repent during the pandemic?  I mean the saved first and foremost, and the unsaved that the saved have been reaching.  What could possibly be next to get people's undivided attention, especially Bible-believing Christians?  The word "drought" immediately came to mind.  And this is exactly what is happening.  

Friends, this is very serious.  We can't live without water.  More importantly, we can't live without God.  I believe everything will turn around once we turn away from our own sin, and turn our hearts passionately towards God and the things of God.  He won't condone or compete with our sin. First, let’s pray for the rain of righteousness to flood our hearts and spill out to all those around us, then let’s bring the lost to Jesus.  Perhaps God will be pleased with our deep change of heart, and give us the physical rain that we also need to survive. 

 Let us choose this day whom we will serve, and stay the course of righteousness first.