
Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Popular Opinion or the Truth?

Col 2:8  Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

2Pe 2:18  For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.
2Pe 2:19  While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

In Canada, we have just come through a much heated and stress-filled federal election campaign.  The Liberal party won over the Progressive Conservatives, not because the PC had done a bad job of running the country, but largely because the Liberals had a strong and positive campaign to win voters over.  While the Liberal leader (soon to be PM), Justin Trudeau, made some lofty claims of what he planned to do, it was more because of his positive and charismatic style that won over the votes.  It appeared that these voters didn't think about things like balanced budgets, tax breaks, national security, or strict immigration policies to protect Canadian citizens that the PC had worked so hard to achieve.  No, they seemed to get swept away by the popular rhetoric of the would-be leader of our country.  What made it a critical battle on the spiritual front is that the PC stand for Christian values that support struggling families, seniors, small businesses -- in other words, the "pure religion" spoken of in the Bible, "to visit the fatherless and the widows."  They believe in the sanctity of life and that it is immoral to support the aborting/killing of the innocent unborn and helpless child. And they supported Israel.  

I watched in amazement as the votes started coming in and clearly the Liberals were in the lead.  I wondered what could have happened that people would disregard the strong and secure national economy that the PC had successfully achieved?  Were they blind and not cognizant of the many tax breaks we were getting?  Did they forget that the PC’s led us through a severe world-wide recession and we came through practically unscathed?  Instead, they were voting in a nearly unqualified candidate whose experience in the vast, complex and demanding political arena is so scant that it is difficult to imagine how he is going to be able to make sound decisions for an entire country and keep it all from becoming unraveled and fall apart through the tough times!  What could the voters have been thinking? 

I followed the media and it appeared that they wanted the Liberals to get in, so it seems that they did everything in their power to make Prime Minister Harper look bad.  In fact, they did such a good job that people forgot the many benefits we were able to enjoy under the PC leadership.  Throughout the campaign name calling became ugly and people were divided.  Really, it amounted to a frenzy of who was right and who was wrong, and was very divisive.  Unfortunately, under such a deluge of bad media publicity, the PC’s and all their voters had an unfair advantage.  The only sensible media that had shared their research regarding the Liberals was The Rebel Media (formerly Sun News Network) who, on their website, offered researched information that the mainline media had neglected to include to properly inform the voter before making any decision on who to vote for.  These professionals are promising to continue to do their research and broadcast it online via YouTube as the new Liberal party settles into office. 

So this brings us to the opening verses.  Who do we listen to and who do we believe?  Should we be swayed by popular opinion to fit in and not feel like an odd ball?  Or should we follow after Christ?  Political parties each have their own set of beliefs (ideologies).  It becomes clear as they go into power if they are for or against God and the things of God!  Clearly the PC government has stood for the things of God.  Alarmingly, in several key areas, the Liberal party clearly, and as yet, do not.  Hopefully that will change!
Many times throughout the election, I was challenged by someone opposed to the PC for whatever reason and I had to patiently explain that the mainline media had a deliberate campaign to destroy the PC government, and not to believe everything they were hearing or reading. I shared the well documented videos and articles that The Rebel Media had provided regarding the Liberal leader.  I tried to explain the sometimes disastrous and unsuccessful results of the Liberal party when they have been in power in the past, having been a Political Studies student in university, and a high school History teacher.  When you’ve lived through many elections, it’s hard to forget when a political party is not working for you, but just taking your hard-earned money and foolishly spending it.  A good politician is a civil “servant” who serves the best interests of the people, and most likely at a personal cost to himself or herself for the many sacrifices they will make and hours they will put in.  They will be concerned about the welfare of every age group, and not just cater to a select group here and there who whine the loudest.  They will have morals and ethics that are based on the Bible, God’s Word, which cannot change, and will not change.  They will either be for God or against God.  Yes, politics are very much intertwined with faith, and when a government leadership is not leading in line with God and they disregard even the basic Judaic laws, they can bring down an entire nation. History has recorded this more than once, and it is recorded throughout the Bible.  Without God, individuals fail, families fail, society fails, and nations fail. 

We may be tempted to be swayed by popular opinion, and especially if something sounds positive and right.  But if it doesn’t line up with the Word of God and is off even a tiny bit, then we can be sure that this is another lie from the serpent designed to ensnare.  May we be vigilant when it comes to what we believe and what we stand for, and always turn to the Word of God as the final authority in every situation.  
Please keep the prayers coming for Canada and its new government, for we will surely need it.


  1. Excellent overview, Linda...every word an arrow from the Lord's hand. Blessings and prayers for our nation...

  2. Thank you for your encouragement! Amen to the blessings and prayers.
