
Wednesday, 14 May 2014


In my previous blog, I talked about some confusion surrounding the fact of our assured salvation, and that some people believe we can lose our salvation if we do not do enough good works.  Today, I'd like to talk about another area where confusion sometimes arises, and it has to do with living a holy life and fearing God. 

A very popular speaker and author of several Christian books with topics timely for today has written a book to address what it means to fear the Lord, and he also talks about holiness for every Christian.  The two must go together, holiness and the fear of God. One of the things we must be very careful of, when it comes to understanding holiness and the fear of God, is that we don't get into our own works to try and bring things about.  It is not about being religious, it is about recognizing who God is, and how we are to respond to Him. 

In thinking about how to live a holy life, in addition to looking at many Scriptures, and what I had already been taught, and what has been revealed through God's Word, I had to look back on my own life in order to begin to understand what it means to me to live a holy life and fear God.  So I will begin with sharing my own experience with fearing God.

I confess that I was once a backslidden Christian, and I was filled with a fear of God, not a holy reverential fear, but a terror of the Lord for how He was going to punish me for living a life NOT according to His Word.  This fear came to a head when I suffered with a nervous breakdown.  Part of that terror was real because I was in a head-on collision, and I became unconscious.  During that time, I entered into another realm, and I knew I was dying unless the Lord spare me and let me wake up.  During those terrifying moments (maybe 20 minutes?), my life flashed before me, and I felt my life slipping away.  I had absolutely no idea that I was even saved at that point, and I KNEW BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT HELL IS REAL, and I was on my way there unless God would intervene.  Dear friends, please DO NOT let anyone persuade you that hell is not a real place, because it is.  We need to warn people. 

2Co 5:10    For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

2Co 5:11a   Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men;  

It is interesting that this car accident did nothing to change my heart, but added a great deal of nervous fear and anxiety in general.  And so I continued living my backslidden lifestyle.  All that time, deep down in my heart, I wanted out, but sin had not yet finished its course in my life, and I had to experience it in full before it finally died, and I got to live again, to live a brand new life in Jesus.  So you can be in the midst of living a sinful life, you can pray for release from your sin which has you under its bondage, but until it (sin) has run its course, God knows you will not be ready to give Him your all.  If we read Romans 7, the Apostle Paul explains how sin reigns and rules in our fleshly body until Jesus delivers us from it. 

It wasn't until a few years later, after the accident, that I came face to face with the reverential fear of God, and for the first time ever in my life, I understood a Holy God, and I understood what holiness means.  He brought me to a place where I could finally let the sin go, and instead, love Him with all my heart, soul, strength and mind.  I understood holiness while I stood in His sweet and powerful presence, and I repented of all my sin, and He took it all away instantaneously.  I was washed clean, and then filled with a love that I can't explain to this day!  The terror type of fear of God was gone, and in its place a reverential AWE OF GOD to think that He would love me like that filled my being!  This is how I understand the fear of God -- a Holy God forgave a sinner like me, and He will remember my sins no more.  HOLINESS AND THE FEAR OF GOD IS THE RECOGNITION OF A PERFECT GOD LOVING UNDESERVED SINNERS LIKE US!  It is realizing what He did for us, suffering and dying for us on a cruel cross and BECOMING OUR SIN for us, so that we would escape eternal punishment and separation from Him.  He wiped our black slate clean.  What a wonderful Savior! 

That is the reverential fear of God it is when we respond to the awesomeness of God with singleness of heart, and we are in awe of Him.  From such an experience, we willingly and gladly submit our heart and life to Him on a daily basis.  The fear of God is to realize who we are in light of who He is, that we are unworthy to be the recipients of such an unconditional love.   

To try and live a holy life apart from repentance of our own sin is IMPOSSIBLE.  No one knows their own heart, only God does.  David lived with unconfessed sin for two years before he repented of it, and David was considered a friend of God.  How could this happen?  Well, sin hardens our hearts and sears our consciences, so we will continue living a sinful life until God deals with us.  God used a prophet Nathan to remind David of his unconfessed sin.  When it was revealed to David, he cried out one of the most beautiful prayers of repentance ever recorded in the Bible: 

Psa 51:2    Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

Psa 51:3    For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.

Psa 51:7    Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Psa 51:10    Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Please stay tuned for Part 2. 

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