
Thursday, 25 October 2012

Review of Movie: Hellbound

When we first discovered that the documentary movie Hellbound was showing in a theatre near us, and the Director Kevin Miller, would be there, we were quite excited about going.  I had checked the web site to find out more about it, and discovered that some well-known names had been interviewed and were part of the movie.  They were people like Ray Comfort, Bob Larson, Brad Jersak, William Paul Young (author of The Shack), and Chad Holtz (more about him later), and others I had heard about, but didn’t know that much about.  So we thought the movie would present a balanced and Biblical view of hell, as it seemed to indicate on their webpage, sprinkled with other trains of thought that might disagree with the Bible.  We were so wrong. 

The movie began with an attention grabber, interviewing members from Westboro Baptist Church, who are picketing at Ground Zero in New York, with their “hate” propaganda.  Of course, you couldn’t take anything they said seriously (since most of what they said was confusing to begin with), and also since many believe they are an extremist group, and some claim they are a cult.  Then when it got to Ray Comfort, it showed him asking a young man questions about ever lying, cheating, and so on, but important parts of the significance of admitting those sins, had been omitted.  In other words, when Ray Comfort asks people these questions, he does it to point out that we have all sinned in some way (and that no one is good enough on their own), and we are all in need of a Savior if we want to make it into heaven.  This part was omitted.

Most of the men and women interviewed took the view that there is no such thing as eternal torment, and that hell, as we know it, does not exist.  Very few, if any Scriptures were used, and most of the comments were based on their personal and emotional feelings, and what they personally thought, rather than what the Bible had to say.  One of the people interviewed tried to explain hell away by saying whatever mention of hell there is in the Bible is a place on earth called Gehenna.  The name means “valley of Hinnom,” a form of the Hebrew word GE-HINNOM found in Joshua 18:16.  It is supposedly a valley found to the west and south of ancient Jerusalem (see Joshua 15:8; 18:16; Jeremiah 19:2,6).  It had been the place where humans were sacrificed by fire for the idolatrous worship of the pagan god Molech (see 2 Chr. 28:3; 2 Chr. 33:6).  The Universalists (most, not all, of the people being interviewed) believe that ANY mention of Gehenna in the Bible, including Jesus reference to it in the New Testament, refers to this geographical place mentioned in the Old Testament, and that it was a past event.  But according to trusted Biblical scholars, when Jesus made reference to hell (Gehenna), He used it 11 times in reference to a FUTURE time.  Therefore, the Universalists are wrong because they omit the important fact that it is also a FUTURE place of torment (hell) for all those who do not believe in Jesus and accept His free gift of salvation.  Also, the big problem with this argument that Gehenna is a place on earth and does not refer to a FUTURE place of torment, is that they don’t explain the many mentions of hell in the Book of Revelation, a FUTURE time in the history of the world, and a time we have yet to experience.  Therefore, if they had taken this one reference to hell and simply said it was used metaphorically based on a past historical series of events, you would have to question everything else they said from that point on. 

Another interesting  thing to note was that little mention was made of salvation and the great price Jesus paid for our sins so that we could be saved, and spared from eternal separation from God.  In other words, if the gospel was discussed at all, it was a minimal part of the documentary, and not presented as anything really significant.  I began to wonder what was the real point of the film, but as it neared the end, it became crystal clear that the stance of the movie, was to try and convince people not to worry, they wouldn’t be going to hell, and what a ridiculous belief to begin with.  In other words, if you believe in a literal hell, and that it is a place of torment, then you are sadly mistaken, a good and loving God would never “send” anyone there.  And such is their misguided human logic. 

After the movie, the Director showed up, and wanted people to ask questions about the movie.  My husband and I knew we had to share, since we have been lovingly contending with the Universalists for months now, trying to shed some Biblical light on their mistaken anti-Biblical views about hell.  Out of all the people in the audience, we were the only ones that challenged him with Scripture, and he was not able to answer us, but quickly moved on to answer the questions of others.  We had also pointed out that Chad Holtz, one of the people being interviewed who once denied that hell is real, had undergone a complete change of mind and heart.  We said that he no longer believes that hell is not real, but emphatically and publicly states that he was wrong, and that he believes it is real.

What was alarming to me, is that since my husband and I were the only ones that actually quoted the Bible from the audience in the theatre, is that perhaps people no longer really know what they believe because they are not reading the Bible and asking God for revelation to reveal His truths to them.  I also wondered if maybe the audience were not Bible-believing Christians, or they did not have a grasp of the Bible, and therefore, would not know what to ask, or perhaps were afraid to speak up.  This is one of the biggest issues I have been writing about for months now in my blogs:  READ YOUR BIBLE so that you will not be led astray by false doctrines.  I mentioned it in yesterday’s blogs and I talked about freedom of speech and how long do we have until we can no longer proclaim the Gospel message?  I can see that if someone in that audience who did not know their Bible or perhaps wasn’t sure about what Scripture means when it talks about hell, they could easily be led astray by the deluge of “feelings” and “personal thoughts” (biased at best and highly subjective), by so-called learned men who may have written a book, could quite easily be convinced that maybe these Universalists are right.

Who are we going to believe?  The Lord, or the confused opinions of a few men who perhaps have fallen away from the truth, or one wonders if they ever really knew the God of the Hebrew Bible in the first place?  That is Chad Holtz’s testimony.  He knew that a year ago when he was a pastor of a church and asked to step down because he no longer believed in hell, that at that time, he never really knew the Lord.  But the Lord had great mercy on him and his eyes were opened to the truth, and now he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt – he is forgiven and saved, and yes, there is a literal hell.  Read Chad’s testimony here.

I feel that the verses I quoted in yesterday’s blog bear repeating here:

2Ti 4:1  I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2Ti 4:2  Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort  with all longsuffering and doctrine.
2Ti 4:3  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2Ti 4:4  And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
2Ti 4:5  But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

The task to proclaim God’s Word feels enormous, especially when someone has released such a movie, hoping to change people’s minds about the Truth of the Bible.  I do not recommend this movie, since although it is entertaining, is laced with anti-Biblical notions that only serve to confuse the unsuspecting and anyone not well-versed in the Bible as the Holy Spirit reveals His Word. 

I also encourage you to download my recent book, NO FEAR OF HELL.  In it are many references to hell as an actual and literal place, and it will challenge you to search God’s Word and find out for yourself the truth about hell. 

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