I have delayed writing this blog and have been hindered
again and again from sitting down to write it.
The idea that I needed to write about it has been stirring in my soul for
months now, especially after the idea of speaking in tongues, as one of the
evidences of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, has been under fire. When the topic has come up, which I haven't
even initiated, I have heard everything from, "It's of the devil," to
"It has ended with the church age."
And yet, in both cases, and all arguments in between, that it really
isn't necessary for today, that some receive the gift and many others don't, so
therefore it's not important, that it is irrelevant when it comes to Christian
service, and so on, I have yet to find Scripture to support any and all of the
above statements and arguments. I have
also found that some people are closed to the discussion, others are apathetic or
worse, indifferent, and still others will become angry. So something is strangely amiss here.
I find this very disconcerting because when I received
this incredible life-changing gift, the difference in my walk, my faith, my
service, my giftings (which led to more giftings), and the power with which I
began to live my Christian life was unparalleled to anything I had ever
experienced as a Christian in the 14 years I had been saved (I was 19 when I
received the gift and saved when I was five).
My writing took on a whole new dimension, for now I was being inspired
by and led by the Holy Spirit and not trying to come up with something from my
education, my head or my emotions. I was
called to live in "specific" places, and called to minister to
"specific" people. I was able
to witness boldly to cults, atheists and apostates (people claiming to be saved
in the church who were not), and continue to do so today. I have boldly witnessed in places that forbid
even the mention of "God." I can't imagine doing any of this if I had
not had the anointing and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, receiving the gift of
tongues was one of the most humbling experiences I had ever had. I realized how much I needed the Holy Spirit
and how limited my own speech was when it came to witnessing and ministry. After receiving the gift, I wanted that much
more of what the Holy Spirit was willing to give me and I have never been
disappointed. He will give to those that
First of all, it is a prophecy that in the last
days (which began after Jesus ascended to heaven after His earthly ministry)
that He would pour out His Spirit:
Act 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days,
saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old
men shall dream dreams:
Act 2:18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I
will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
When He says He will pour out his Spirit "upon all
flesh," it does not say, "during the first church age," but
would mean rather for all ages to come, wouldn't it? Some believe it is yet for a future time, but
it already began during the apostolic ministry and continues today for those
who believe and are willing and ready to receive it.
Secondly, the power is a promise found in Acts. This is what Jesus said:
Act 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the
Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in
Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of
the earth.
The power is connected to witnessing and service. Now notice at the end of it, He says
"unto the uttermost part of the earth." Did the disciples and the first church reach
the uttermost part of the earth in their lifetime during the first church
age? Some would believe so, for they do
not believe that this experience is for the church today, and so we might
wonder, where is this same power today as promised in Acts 1:8? For if ever the church needed power, it is
today when godlessness tries to enclose us in and prevent us from standing
strong for the name of and cause of Jesus Christ. And many churches are faltering having
depended on their own steam and their own agenda, and frankly, they are
lifeless and their numbers have dwindled to a new low.
The power only comes after the Holy Ghost is come
"upon" you. This endowment is
not to be confused with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The "upon" experience is given for
power for service, not salvation. Yet
many have confused this very thing arguing that as long as you are a Christian,
you need go no further, you already have what you need. I am sorry, but then this must mean you are
perfect as you are, and do not need any more of whatever God has for you. This
could include faith, wisdom (we are to ask for this according to James 1:5), and
gifts in the church for edifying the body (which is badly needed today),
courage to witness in the face of persecution, boldness to proclaim the truth
of God's Word and even to love (agape) and lay down our lives for the brethren.
And yes, He promises the Holy Spirit to
all who ask:
Luke 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto
your children: how much more shall your
heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
Are we able to do all these things mentioned above without
hesitation and without power (which He freely gives) and find as much success
in all that we do? Why would we assume
we need nothing more from the Lord who freely gives us all things? I for one, could not have come this far for
the path of ministry I have been called to.
If the Lord has more for me yet, I will gladly receive it, for without
Him I can do nothing (see John 15:5).
We can read all about the gifts of the Spirit in I
Corinthians 12 and also 14. In the
church there is an order that is needed, and if someone speaks in tongues,
there needs to be someone there to interpret the meaning so that the Body can
be edified. So tongues is also for the
purpose of edification. If you have ever
attended a service where this has happened (someone spoke in tongues and
someone else interpreted), it is a beautiful and powerful thing. The Holy Spirit will give exactly what the
church needs to hear according to Romans 8:26-27:
Rom 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities:
for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself
maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Rom 8:27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what
is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints
according to the will of God.
Speaking in tongues is speaking in the Spirit and
"according to the will of God." This is very important. How many prayers have been said that were not
according to the will of God?
In I Cor. 14 Paul gives preference to prophecy rather
than tongues so that the church may hear and understand and be edified. He never once says NOT to speak in tongues,
but it is better to prophesy which will bring people to their knees because
they will instantly know that it is of God and not of man. The Spirit will utter exactly what needs to
be said so that a person knows it's to them and about them and for them. Then,
under the direct conviction of the Holy Spirit, they will respond.
This is what Paul says near the end of the chapter:
1Co 14:39 Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and
forbid not to speak with tongues.
So we must be very careful not to dismiss entirely
speaking in tongues and prophecy because it has a very important place in our
lives and in the corporate church for the purposes of what the Holy Spirit
would have to say to us. If you have
little idea of this important subject, I encourage you to begin with reading
the Book of Acts and pay close attention to every reference to "the
Spirit," or "in the Spirit."
Note the incredible things the Apostles were able to do after they
experienced this empowering of the Holy Spirit.
Then, make it a matter of prayer in your own life and see what God has
to teach you about this remarkable and awe-filled gift meant to empower and